The day after the first floor frame was erected Dan and Tom continued working on the roof. The standard fink trusses were lifted into position by hand and secured over the east side of the house.
Attic trusses were positioned and secured on west side of the house.
The attic trusses are designed to open up the loft space and take the weight of a floor. The cost wasn't much more than the regular trusses and would give us the option to easily convert to an extra room in the future. Our tight budget does not allow us to do this at the moment but it will be a useful space for storage until then.
The scaffolders returned to build 'hop-ups' for access to the top of the roof.
Much to Alan's horror, 'Please mind the new fascias' was interpreted as 'Please stomp all over the new fascias'.

One of the completed 'hop-ups'.
The glulam beam above our bedroom will be visible once decorated, so it was left in bubble-wrap to protect it as long as possible.

Don't think much of the view from our should be a lot nicer once we remove the scaffolding and the old house though.
Bedroom 3 on the north-west corner of the house.
The timber panels for the gable ends were secured and the gable ladders positioned on top. By the end of day Dan and Tom had finished the main part of the roof.
Despite being much higher than the existing bungalow, we think our new house sits very comfortably within the landscape. When the trees come into leaf in Spring the house should barely be visible from any direction. This photo was taken looking back at the house from further along the track.
We are really pleased with the way the house sits on the plot. Thanks to the already established garden and trees it feels like it has always been here.
The rain and wind returned for the second day of the roof construction. Having a vaulted ceiling meant that trusses could not be used above the master bedroom so loose rafters were cut and assembled.

Fire socks were fixed in place all the way around the top of the house and will offer some protection in the event of a fire.
To avoid a repeat of the problems we had with the groundworks, Alan tried to ensure that the roofers would be happy with the roof structure as it was being built. The roofer explained exactly how they would like the valleys to be constructed and Dan built them to specification. One of the trickiest aspects of the build has been to make sure a job is completed in such a way that it allows the next phase to seamlessly follow on.
The new house peeking over the top of the old one.
We can begin to see how the house is going to look as you approach from the track.
1 comment :
If it's looking that fabulous already I can't wait to see the finished result!! :) xx
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