This big gap shouldn't be here. Alan cut some battens and fitted them around the perimeter.
He cut some plywood to shape and attached it to the aforementioned battens...
...and covered it with some leftover silver membrane.
Nick and Gary, who did all the brickwork for our foundations returned to build the external block walls. Alan prepared the corners of the cavity tray (the black plastic 'petticoat' seen below) and they began laying the first row of blocks around the whole perimeter of the house.
One row down...many more to go.
The 50mm cavity between the timber frame and the external blockwork wall.
Damp proof course was laid on top of the first row of blocks.
All the corners were then built up by four rows.
Once the corners were completed, laying the blockwork inbetween was relatively straightforward.
Stainless steel wall ties were nailed to the timber frame to help support the blockwork. These ties have to be fixed to the timber studs that are hidden behind the silver membrane - luckily the factory marks out their location using lines of black plastic tape.
As per the building regs, Alan and I stapled the black DPC around every window to prevent water and damp getting in.

A view down the cavity showing the wall ties and our DPC around the window. The warranty inspector complimented us on our clean cavities - ahem.
Uh -oh. The site inspector is here.
With so many windows needing DPC we got a good routine going as we worked our way around the house.
As the blockwork reached the top of the windows we re-covered them all in plastic to try and prevent them getting splattered with mortar.

After seven days the blockwork had reached the top of the windows all the way around the house.
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