Thursday 27 February 2014

Windows 2: Fitting (but not quite fitting)

Ten days after the first attempt at installation, the window company returned to fit the missing windows. Unfortunately the dual colour we'd chosen (grey outside, ivory inside) meant that re-making the dining room windows would take several more weeks. Still, we were relieved to finally have the large apex window fitted as our temporary plastic defenses were particularly vulnerable to the wind and rain. 

The apex window couldn't be fitted previously because they had forgotten to bring the cill. This time they did bring the cill...but it was the wrong size. Gaaaaaaahhhhhh! With the factory 3 hours drive away our best option was to fit the cill temporarily under the apex window as we did not want to nail up all the plastic and battens yet again.

The aluminium frame sections were all joined together and the whole assembly was fitted within the steel frame.

Extra battens were screwed in to help support the cill.

Hoorah! The frame is finally in place.

While they were installing the window Alan was up on the scaffolding, busy cutting battens that would act as cavity closers for the apex window. The freak hailstorms were a great help.

Alan fitted the cavity closers around the rest of the frame whilst the installers started adding the glass panels.

Phew! No more draughty, leaky plastic.

The lounge door and side windows were next.

The new side windows fitted perfectly this time. The only problem was once it was fitted one of the frames was slightly wonky. The installers suggested filling the gaps with silicone as otherwise the only way it could be rectified was to dismantle the whole thing and re-fit it. Much to their horror, Alan politely insisted they re-fit it.


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