Thursday, 20 December 2012


The unmade track that leads to our house is tricky to negotiate at the best of times in a low two-seater sportscar, but the heavy Winter rains can make it impossible. There have been several occasions where we found ourselves marooned. Luckily, our house is safe from flooding but the old ruined bridge along the track turns into a large pool. The depth of the water around the bridge is almost a metre.

This is the back of our house which overlooks a field.

This is after a few days of heavy rain.

The view from the back of our house with a perplexed sheep mirroring our feelings about the water.

Some of the water drains out from the side of the field and out of our garden gate where it flows onto the track.


The bank separates the water from our garden though a small flow has broken through travelling towards and out of our gate.

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