Not too keen on using a big chainsaw whilst perched in the tree on a windy day, Alan used a pole-pruner (a mini chainsaw on the end of a long pole). This was safer, though it took several cuts to get through the larger branches.
The chopping begins...
The view from halfway up the tree whilst cutting it down. Note Blenny supervising the proceedings from his vantage point on the roof of the house.
Whilst Alan chopped the tree, I cut the chopped branches into more manageable pieces ready to be dried out and eventually burned.

We managed to salvage and store the larger branches for future fuel should we choose a wood burner for the new house. The amount of wood that the tree produced should give us at least a few months worth of fuel. There is more wood stored further on in the picture, behind the black metal oil tank. We want to do away with using oil for heating in the new house as it is costly (and the cost will only continue to rise).
The remains of the tree stump (left) and a clear, bright view.
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