Renowned for high costs, long waiting lists and piles of administrative red-tape, the electricity company had the potential to bring the whole build to a standstill. Luckily we first contacted them back in June and after much filling-in of forms and follow-up phone calls, we finally managed to get them booked in for the end of November.
In preparation, we needed to dig a trench for the new underground electricity supply and in order to spare our poor cherry trees from another battering by the digger, we decided it was safer to bypass them completely by running the trench around the outside of our bank and then digging a hole straight through it to reach the new meter.
Mark the electrician got the meter boxes prepared ready for Western Power's arrival. We were hoping they'd let us keep the old overhead line to use for the existing house which would save us having to buy an expensive new cable.
Hoorah! Not only did the electricity company arrive on time but they also kindly let us keep the old cable. The chap who took down the overhead line was particularly interested in our build as he'd come very close to buying our house about 20 years ago.
An hour or so later and our house supply was back up and running. We added some outdoor power sockets to the temporary supply box for site use and will move the meter box across to the new house once we have some walls up.
Putting the bank back together exposed some nice old stones that had been buried under all the long grass. We think there may be more hidden along the whole length of the plot which we'd like to eventually uncover.
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